Guilford County, North Carolina  

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"I think we consider too much the good luck of the early bird and not enough the bad luck of the early worm."
- Franklin D. Roosevelt

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Our Rehabbers
    Melissa Coe has been a licensed wildlife rehabber since 2004. She has received training through Wildlife Rehabilitators of NC, and holds state and federal permits for small mammals and songbirds. She is the organizer of Piedmont Wildlife Rehab, Inc. and worked diligently to successfully obtain the non-profit status classification of 501(C)(3). She has cared for a large variety of small mammals and birds, and has housed the few who cannot be released. Melissa's main aspiration is the education of wildlife to the public. She teaches many of our community wildlife/environmental programs and has recently completed her Environmental Education Certification. She dreams of someday being self supporting through a thrift store. Melissa is geared by her passion for the stewardship of our native wildlife that are often overlooked and ignored.

    Sue Fields is our mammal expert, specifically with squirrel care. Sue became a state licensed rehabber for small mammals in 2001. She grew up on a farm in Jamestown, surrounded by animals and siblings. She has always had a passion for rehabbing and takes serious measures to insure that the animals have the correct care to allow them the best possible chance of survival upon release. No stone is left unturned when it comes to locating the appropriate release locations for her rehabilitated mammals. She is dedicated to the preservation and education of NC Wildlife and their habitat. She feels that rehabbing is very necessary during these times of urban growth. Her greatest joy other than her husband and caring for her grandchildren is working with wildlife to give them a second chance.

    Kim Santos is our newest addition to PWR's rehabbing team. She received her certificate for Basic Wildlife Rehabilitation in the fall of 2009, and her state license for small mammals at the beginning of 2010. Kim's background includes working for the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Serivce for 15 years as a biologist, and spending many weekends volunteering at the National Wildlife Refuges in the Tampa Bay Area. Since there are no refuges in our area, she has graced Piedmont Wildlife with her skills, working closely to help Melissa Coe when she is not working at her full time job. She also volunteers for Wildlife Rehab, Inc. of Winston-Salem, answering their hotline. Kim lives on a large lot that is surrounded by wooded land and various wildlife, including white-tailed deer. This location will facilitate her ambition to build a cage for the soft release of wildlife. Her best friends are Hansel and Gretel, our resident groundhogs.