Guilford County, North Carolina  

Wildlife Emergency

Located in Guilford County, NC, Piedmont Wildlife Rehab, Inc. is classified 501(c)(3) by the IRS, donations are tax deductible.

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Found a bunny


Baby Bunnies


If you need to find a local wildlife rehabilitator please use this link. Locating Rehabbers.

What To Do If You Find A Baby Bunny

Baby rabbits leave the nest very young. If you find a rabbit that can hop and seems healthy, compare it to the size of a tennis ball. If it is about the same size as a tennis ball while sitting, it should be left alone or moved a short distance to a safe area with untreated grass and the cover of brush or limbs.

If the bunny is smaller than a tennis ball, still has its eyes closed or was removed from an underground nest, replace the bunny to the nest as soon as possible if uninjured.

Cover the nest with dry grass and place several small sticks or string in a recognizable pattern, such as a tic tac toe design. The next morning, check to see if the pattern is disturbed. If it is, that means the mother has returned and is feeding them. If the sticks or strings have not been disturbed, remove any bunnies from the nest. Place the bunnies in a box lined with a soft cloth and keep them warm and quiet until you can reach a rehabilitator. Do NOT give food or water. Handle them as little as possible!

Bunnies are difficult to raise and require special care. Check our list or your state wildlife resources commission for rehabilitators specializing in rabbit care.

If you need to find a local wildlife rehabilitator please use this link. Locating Rehabbers.

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love the animals

"A man is ethical only when life, as such, is sacred to him, that of plants and animals as that of his fellow men, and when he devotes himself helpfully to all life that is in need of help."
- Albert Schweitzer