Guilford County, North Carolina  


Hansel and Gretel

Our Programs

Located in Guilford County, NC, Piedmont Wildlife Rehab, Inc. is classified 501(c)(3) by the IRS, donations are tax deductible.

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Our Programs

We believe the core of helping and maintaining our wildlife and natural environment is education.

Through our educational programs, workshops and booths we promote the values of nature and wildlife and encourage respect for both.

Open House - Haw River State Park

We welcome opportunities to bring information and hands on experiences to the public through our various programs.

Our programs can be designed to meet the specific needs of your classroom, workplace, church or civic group. We can correlate to NAEYC and national learning standards for grades K - 12. All programs include live educational animals when available.

Trinity Covenant Preschool

Sample programs:

What is Wildlife Rehabilitation?

2011 Year of the Turtle

Animal Talks:

Don't be scared, its just a 'possum

Don't be scared, its just a groundhog

Don't be scared, its just a bird

Song Bird Rehabilitation- state permit required

Songbird Workshop

Please contact us for further information.

Can you help the animals?

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love the animals

"The fate of animals is of greater importance to me than the fear of appearing ridiculous."
- Emile Zola